Web Marketing

In the world of websites, if you build it, that doesn’t mean they’ll come. It’s your web marketing that wins you visibility. And it’s visibility that wins you page views and conversions.

A variety of social media platforms


    This involves generating a degree of content, as well as advising you on best practices and strategy in creating content for distribution. We design promotions to boost your social media profiles which is an effective strategy to continuously drive website traffic.

Search engine marketing


    With an increasing number of consumers researching and shopping for products online, search engine marketing has become a crucial strategy for increasing a company’s reach.

List of pay-per-click advantages


    If you have ever used any of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo! or Bing, you probably noticed ads that appear above or to the side of your search results – these are PPC ads and we implement them into your marketing campaign.

Graphs and reporting analysis


    We integrate a variety of analytical tools to track the success of your marketing campaign. These track user response to specific posts, if they take desired actions, as well as what they do on your website. We provide transparent, live reporting of these results for you to view at any time.

Google revolutionized digital marketing in 2000 with the release of their Adwords platform. This began the advent of advertising via search engines, allowing advertisers to target their audience based on the search terms they use. Since its release, Google has continuously updated and improved the Adwords platform to stay relevant in the ever evolving online marketing sphere, inspiring several other search engines along the way.

While Google accounts for the lion’s share of online searches, Bing should not be ignored in your SEM efforts. Accounting for just under 20 percent of online searches, about 3.3 billion per month, Bing is an up and coming player in the Search Engine Marketing landscape. Targeting Bing users is a great way to connect with untapped consumer bases and take advantage of keyword bids that other companies neglect. This dynamic can lend results and ROI that is more akin to Google’s early keyword bid pricing.